1. Grant of License
TAL Technologies, Inc. (TALtech) grants you the right to use one copy per purchased license of any TAL Technologies’ software applications (the SOFTWARE) on a single terminal or a single Windows computer (i.e., with a single CPU). Most TALtech SOFTWARE can be unlocked with an unlock code specific to one Windows PC. WinWedge and WinWedge Pro do not need an unlock code.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Agreement, or do not agree with any term, do not install or unlock the software.
WinWedge and WinWedge Pro
This software is licensed for use on the Windows PC it is initially installed on for as long as you have that PC. If you upgrade to a new version of Windows or if you move the software license to a new PC you may need to pay to upgrade to the latest version of WinWedge or WinWedge Pro.
Unlockable Software Products
You are provided with one unlock code for the initial PC on which the software is installed. If you want to move the license to a new PC or re-format the hard-drive on the initial PC, you will have to purchase a new Replacement Install to receive a new unlock code.
- Replacement Installs (Unique ID Replacements): If you are no longer using the software on the old PC you can retire the old install’s Unique ID (UID). You are then eligible for Replacement Install license pricing on the new PC install to receive a new unlock code. This is considerably discounted over the new license price.
- Additional or New Installs: If you do not retire the old UID (i.e., it is still in use on the old PC), you will need to pay for a new license (at the current list price) for the new install. When you register, TALtech will track your UIDs – those in use and those retired.
2. Network Licensing and Multi-Licenses
All SOFTWARE licenses allow a single user on a network to use a single license of the software. SOFTWARE may be installed on a Windows client or server. A single SOFTWARE license may not be used on more than one computer or terminal – networked or otherwise. Multiple licenses may be networked or used on multiple computers as long as the number of terminals or computers using the software does not exceed the number of licenses.
As a general rule, if your software serial number does NOT have an M at the end then you have a SINGLE WORKSTATION LICENSE. If your serial number ends with the letter M, you have a multiple workstation license (2 or more installs). If you are unsure how many licenses you purchased, please contact the Licensor at +1 215-496-0222 or sales@TALtech.com with as much information about your license as you can provide (e.g., name of purchaser or reseller, company name at time of purchase, date of purchase, serial number(s), order or invoice number).
3. Copyright
The SOFTWARE is owned by TAL Technologies, Inc. and is protected by United States copyright laws and treaties. Therefore, you must treat the SOFTWARE like any other copyrighted material (e.g., a book) except if the SOFTWARE is provided on a CD you may transfer the SOFTWARE to a single hard disk provided you keep the original CD solely for backup or archival purposes. Any SOFTWARE user’s manuals, code examples and other materials in print, on TAL Technologies’ web sites or downloadable are also protected by copyright laws.
4. Other Restrictions
You may not rent or lease the SOFTWARE, but you may transfer or re-sell the new-unused (never installed/never activated) SOFTWARE (with any accompanying materials including CDs and manuals) on a permanent basis provided you retain no copies and the recipient agrees to the terms of this Agreement. You may not reverse engineer, de-compile, or disassemble the SOFTWARE. If SOFTWARE is an upgrade/update, any transfer must include the update and all prior versions.
5. Agreement
By installing the SOFTWARE or unlocking a demo of the SOFTWARE the end user and their company are agreeing to the terms and conditions of this END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT.
6. Registration
Under this LICENSING AGREEMENT the end user must register the SOFTWARE. Technical support, free minor updates and discounted upgrades also all require the SOFTWARE to be fully registered to the end-user requesting these services.
7. Disclaimer
No Warranty of any kind on the SOFTWARE is expressed or implied. In no event shall TAL Technologies or its suppliers be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profit, business interruption, loss of business information or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the SOFTWARE.