TCP-Com lets you easily access serial devices via a TCP/IP network as if they are attached to your local computer. You can also direct serial data to and from a network by creating as many (virtual or real) COM ports as you need for your serial communication setup.
Use TCP-Com as a Serial Device Server, enabling your USB or COM-connected serial devices to transmit data through your network or Ethernet connections.
Receive network data through virtual COM ports on your PC, enabling your existing serial communication software to operate without hardware limitations.
Attach up to 256 serial devices to your PC’s COM or USB ports, ensuring reliable and simultaneous communication over TCP/IP networks for enhanced productivity.
Enable multiple applications to access a single COM port, expanding what you can do with a single serial device.
Use TCP-Com as a PC-based serial device server (also known as a Terminal Server) to make any device accessible on a network.
Attach serial devices to your PC’s RS232 or USB ports and TCP-Com will make the data available at an IP address (and port number) on your network. Add additional USB or RS232 ports to your PC to make TCP-Com act as a multi-port Serial Device Server or Terminal Server.
This allows you to send or receive data over a TCP/IP network using any existing COM port software.
Some software only recognizes data coming from RS232 COM ports. TCP-Com can easily create virtual COM ports and redirect Ethernet, Internet, or network data to these RS232 ports. This allows you to use any existing serial communications software to communicate over and collect data directly from your IP networks.
Use TCP-Com as a virtual splitter cable.
Windows does not allow multiple applications to access the same COM port. Bypass this restriction by using TCP-Com to split a single COM port into multiple Virtual COM ports (which TCP-Com creates). This allows all your existing serial communications applications to access the same data.
In the TCP/Com window, just select the COM port number and the serial communications parameters for your serial device and enter an IP address and a socket number. Then activate!
It’s that easy! COM port data will appear at your set IP address, and data from an IP port will appear at a real or virtual COM port.
Learn how to use TCP-Com with our collection of walkthrough videos:
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Excellent package, easy-to-use, a great time-saver.
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