Running WinWedge in the Background

It is possible to work with another program while WinWedge is running on the same PC. There are several ways that you can set up WinWedge to work. These options are available in WinWedge under the “Mode” menu.

  1. Logging Data to a `.log` text file:
    • If you want to log data to a local text file, set up WinWedge in “Log To Disk” mode.
    • All data will be logged to a text file in the background while you work with another program in the foreground.
  2. Communication with Other Applications using DDE:
    • You can configure WinWedge to communicate with another application using DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange).
    • With DDE, all operations occur in the background. This allows WinWedge and the application receiving data from WinWedge to run in the background while you work with another program in the foreground.
  3. Converting Serial Data to Keystrokes:
    • WinWedge can convert incoming serial data to “keystrokes.”
    • This enters your serial data into other applications as if it were being typed manually using a keyboard.
    • Note that while WinWedge can remain minimized in this mode, the receiving application must be running in the foreground for this to work correctly.

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