Can't open the illustration. The illustration contains an illegal operand. Offending operator: "%%Page Trailer" Context } def %% End Resource % A13 - Grid. 00000002
When you click “OK”, the graphic is available; however it will not scan.
This error occurs because the illustrator format that B-Coder 3.0 uses is outdated. If you are familiar with the PostScript language it is possible to edit the PostScript file and manually remove the “offending operator”, however, we recommend that you simply save your B-Coder image as a Windows MetaFile and place that in Illustrator instead, otherwise you would have to “fix” every barcode image you create.
Note: B-Coder 4.0 saves .eps files in the updated format which does not produce the error discussed above. In addition B-Coder version 4.0 does not support the .ai format. Eps files produced with B-Coder 3.0 or earlier can be “Placed” in the document (File > Place) without error.