When you click OK, you receive the following error message, where
Setup.exe: A device attached to the system is not_
In other cases, the Setup.exe program may inform you that it needs to update some system files on your computer. It then tries to perform the update and then asks to re-boot your PC. After you re-boot your PC, you receive the same message stating that it needs to update your system files.
The computer on which you are running the setup program has an older version of the file OLEAUT32.DLL. This will be the case if you have the original version of Windows 95 (4.00.950) but have not installed any programs that updated OLEAUT32.DLL to a more recent version. OLEAUT32.DLL is a core file that all Visual Basic 6.0 applications depend upon. (The 32 bit version of WinWedge Pro was written in Visual Basic Version 6.0)
To resolve the problem, the latest Automation files must be installed onto the client machine before SETUP.EXE can run successfully. The latest Automation files may be installed by using a program provided by Microsoft called VBRUN60.EXE. VBRUN60.EXE installs the Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 run-time library (MSVBVM60.EXE) and updates required Automation files used by Visual Basic 6.0 applications (including OLEAUT32.DLL) correctly.
After VBRUN60.EXE is run successfully, the SETUP.EXE program may be run to install your Visual Basic application successfully.
The VBRUN60.EXE file is available for download here.