The following routine will Launch WinWedge:
Sub RunWedge() ' the shell statement passes a wedge config file as a command line arg. ' This causes the wedge to automatically load the config file and activate itself. x% = Shell("c:\winwedge\winwedge.exe c:\winwedge\ddetest.SW3") TwoSecsFromNow = TimeValue(Now) + TimeValue("00:00:02") Do While TimeValue(Now) < TwoSecsFromNow DoEvents ' give wedge time to load Loop End Sub ' WinWedge should be loaded now
The following routine will close WinWedge:
Sub closeWedge() Hot = 1 : Warm = 2 : Notify=3 : None = 0 Text2.LinkMode = None ' disable links before setting topic Text2.LinkTopic = "winwedge|com2" ' set the link topic ' there is no need to set the LinkItem property when sending DDE commands Text2.LinkMode = Warm ' set the link mode to "Warm" or "Hot" ' Close WinWedge Text2.LinkExecute "[APPEXIT]" End Sub