This page contains example macros and subroutines for some of the more common PC applications. These examples demonstrate how to do things like transmit and receive serial data using Dynamic Data Exchange with WinWedge or open/close WinWedge as well as perform various other related functions.
Microsoft Excel
- Sending Commands From Excel to a Device
- Launching WinWedge from within Excel
- Introduction to Excel (and VBA) Macros
- Collecting a Single Field of Data into Excel
- Collecting Multiple Consecutive Fields of Data into Excel
- Insert Data into Top Row and Move Previous Readings Down
- Requesting Data from WinWedge using SetLinkOnData Method
- Continually Polling Multiple Devices In Sequence
- Collecting data from Multiple Devices Simultaneously
- Advanced Excel Tricks: Reading large arrays of data into Excel
- Passing Data from WinWedge to Excel using DDE with Multiple Open Workbooks
- Getting Past the 40 Field Limit in WinWedge
Microsoft Access
- Collecting Data Directly into a Table in Access
- Collecting Data Directly into a Form in Access
- Opening and Closing WinWedge in Access
- Transmitting Commands to Devices from Access
- Basic Inventory Tracking Example Database