In certain environments, running an application that utilizes the TAL Barcode ActiveX control may throw the following error:
Unable to get the window handle for the 'AxTALBarCd' control. Windowless ActiveX controls are not supported.
If you encounter this error, please try the following (as a system Administrator) (Note: If you are using Visual Studio and attempting to insert an ActiveX control in a WPF application, please review this article).
- Copy the following files into the Windows folder (System32 or other common directory). This folder needs to be accessible to all users.
- All TAL*.DLL files (perform a system-wide search for TAL*.DLL and copy all resulting files)
- TALBC.LIC license file
- Use the RegSvr32 tool to register the TALBARCD.OCX file
- More information about using RegSvr32 can be found on Microsoft's knowledge base:
- More information about using RegSvr32 can be found on Microsoft's knowledge base: