If WinWedge encounters an issue, it typically provides feedback to the user for review. If you encounter an error and are unsure of its meaning, please read below.
Com n not available
Possible causes of this error include:
- Another instance of WinWedge is running and accessing that port.
- Another application (e.g. Hotsync for a Palm Pilot) is running and accessing that port.
- The port has been disabled. Common on laptops with multiple devices attached in order to free up an interrupt (IRQ).
- The port is malfunctioning or absent. Check in Control Panel: try removing it and rebooting/reinstall the drivers.
- The Com Port was disabled in your Bios.
- The Serial device was auto detected by NT/2000 as a Serial Mouse.
Set Com State Failed
This error is caused by your buffer size settings. NT based systems will not accept settings that are not an integer multiple of 2. For example setting your Input buffer size to 32767 will cause this error, but setting it to 32766 will not.
Set Com Timeouts Failed
Usually the same or similar error will occur when trying to access that com port from another piece of software such as HyperTerminal.
In most cases removing the com port in the Device Manager and restarting Windows (which will then automatically detect the com port and reinstall the driver) will resolve this problem. If after restarting the problem has not been resolved manually reinstall the driver: Open the Control Panel, double click on the System Icon, click on the Hardware Tab then open the Device Manager. Scroll Down to the Ports and doble click on the problem port. Click on the Driver Tab and select Update Driver. Let Windows search for a suitable driver and even if it says the current driver is the best one make sure you follow through the wizard until it is finished. This will reinstall the Driver. No reboot should be necessary.
Unable to allocate queues, try reducing buffer size
Usually the same or similar error will occur when trying to access that com port from another piece of software such as HyperTerminal.
In most cases removing the com port in the Device Manager and restarting Windows (which will then automatically detect the com port and reinstall the driver) will resolve this problem. If after restarting the problem has not been resolved manually reinstall the driver: Open the Control Panel, double click on the System Icon, click on the Hardware Tab then open the Device Manager. Scroll Down to the Ports and doble click on the problem port. Click on the Driver Tab and select Update Driver. Let Windows search for a suitable driver and even if it says the current driver is the best one make sure you follow through the wizard until it is finished. This will reinstall the Driver. No reboot should be necessary.