Eylem Zagli
I want to thank you for your marvelous support. It worked!!! It’s very nice to feel that we made a good decision by purchasing [the] TALtech ActiveX product.
I want to thank you for your marvelous support. It worked!!! It’s very nice to feel that we made a good decision by purchasing [the] TALtech ActiveX product.
Your assistance with making our macro program work in Microsoft Excel using WinWedge32 software aided us to capture the data we were looking for. I appreciate what you did for us in taking the software, realizing what we needed, and enabling us here at Custom Filter to make something really special. It’s not often you find a vender or person within the industry who is willing to go the distance that you did. Everyone around here is happy with the Data Collection Software that you helped make possible. When I thought I had hit a brick wall, you pulled us through and made it perform better than expected. Thanks again for your help and for making a wonderful program.
Your support person went well beyond the call of duty to solve a problem I had about getting a Rotronics temperature – humidity instrument to read into WinWedge and then display into Excel. His help is greatly appreciated.Thanks for the help!
PERFECT! Let me say and please pass this along, your company’s support and product are without equal! I would like to think that our customer service operates the same.
Thank you for your very prompt and detailed reply. If only all vendors are as helpful as you are.
I got a lead on WinWedge from another user. I bought the software and it works GREAT! I love this program! It has saved me hours of research and programming time! Well worth it!
WinWedge has worked fantastic. It’s also so nice when you can call tech support and you actually get someone who goes above and beyond what you had hoped for. I look forward to working TALtech in the future.
WinWedge allows us to perform an extremely important function, one that we rely on for doing data conversions. I also appreciate TALtech’s commitment to the “no-charge” tech support concept. I now know what A+ Tech Support means!
I wanted to sincerely thank you for all the wonderful technical support you have provided 3M and myself. You have helped advance our technology significantly. We currently are using WinWedge to collect data from a Thwing Albert Slip/Peel Tester and an IMASS SP-2000 Peel Test. The IMASS company claimed that we could not collect data from their equipment without their software. Thank you for proving them wrong. You have saved us time and money in making our test equipment more efficient. I look forward to using your software in the future as we update our equipment with computers and software to collect data.
Very Powerful and Easy to Use.
A great program with many possibilities.
A brilliant concept, easy-to-use, well documented.
SoftwareWedge is the Swiss Army Knife of software. You can do almost anything with it!
Great Software! Solves many comm. problems.
I have contact now with four of your representatives and found you all to be excellent. The technical support was extremely prompt. I emailed the files to him and within 45 min. they were returned to me with the ‘fix’. I recently ran across someone doing a ‘bar-code’ project and was glad to be able to highly recommend that he check out Taltech products. Thanks again!
I have to tell you what a wonderful staff and support people your company has. I hope we need more of your products. Thanks for all of your help.
You guys wrote the best software I’ve ever seen.
Excellent, easy to use package.
Great Product – What a time saver! We’ll be buying more.
We are extremely thrilled with the B-Coder Pro and WinWedge software. They have exceeded all our expectations and integrate with Microsoft Office to an unequaled degree. These products provide a huge time savings – daily.
Easy to Implement, Excellent value.
Very Cool.
Works Great!